Tuloh International For Governments

Our Commitment To Governments

At Tuloh International Governments, our commitment is to foster economic mobility for individuals, creating pathways to quality employment and improved livelihoods for families. We specialize inworking closely with governments to facilitate access to international career opportunities, with a particular emphasis on the United Kingdom, United States, and the European Union


How We Work with Government Partners

Tuloh International collaborates seamlessly with governments to deploy public funding effectively. Our programs are often delivered through public institutions, focusing on technical and vocational programs to equip individuals with the skills demanded by the evolving job market.

We also play apivotal role in enhancing the capacity of public skilling systems. Throughtraining government staff in our methodology, we ensure the optimization ofpublic investment, generating a significant return on the development of askilled workforce. 


Sectors with High Employment Potential

Our approach involves training and placing learners in sectors with high employment potential. This strategic focus ensures that individuals are well-prepared with the skills and qualities sought by employers, aligning training with the evolving demands of the job market. 

Benefits of Partnering With Tuloh International Governments

When governments choose Tuloh International as their partner, they gain access to a range of benefits:

Data Compliance

We meticulously collect and manage data about our graduates to comply with government tracking requirements, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Global Recognition

Tuloh International has received global recognition for its impact, including prestigious honours from WISE, being named among the Top 100 proposals for the MacArthur Foundation’s 100&Change competition, and receiving the Roddenberry Prize for bold solutions to social challenges.


Transforming Employment Pathways

SkillsFuture in Singapore

A collaborative program supporting fresh graduates and midcareer professionals in acquiring skills for sectors with high labour demand.

Project Amber in India

A joint initiative with NSDC and MSDE, training 30,000 learners in COVID-resilient job roles.

Why partner with tuloh international governments

Joining forces with Tuloh International Governments provides governments with a unique and impactful solution to address the challenges of economic mobility and youth unemployment. Our integrated methodology is designed to identify critical skills, making individuals job-ready and aligning training with business outcomes


Your Partner in Economic Mobility and Employment Excellence.

Through our global hub and network of affiliates across Africa, Tuloh International Governments addresses the critical issue of youth unemployment and underemployment on the continent. Together, let’s create sustainable economic growth and opportunities for Africa’s future. 

Connect with us

Initiate a conversation with Tuloh International Governments. Let us understand your specific needs and explore opportunities for collaboration.